What do you think they’re doing?

When you’re hanging out close to nature and wildlife, you are bound to see amazing, amusing and fascinating things that wildlife do naturally.  For instance, we’re not sure what these Northern Mockingbirds were doing just before they flew away – maybe some kind of mating dance?  Steve tried hopping around in front of me, and I wanted to fly away too!  Watching them closely made us think they must be daring each other to cross the line or perhaps flirting or maybe just dancing to our delight.  What do you think?

On another day while we were deep into our stories while reading our books, we suddenly heard ruffling noises and when we looked  up the sparrows were at it!  I think this is what they mean by “taking a tumble in the hay”!

Butterflies do it as well, looks like a threesome going on here!





13 thoughts on “What do you think they’re doing?

  1. First video is obviously tap dance… the music was just a bit off. The names of the dancers are Fred and Ginger.
    The second video is probably from the files of a cop, and will be used as an evidence to prove that there was a definite attempted murder. What it comes to butterflies, those stories don’t get published in all blogs… ;o)
    Great videos!

  2. I saw the same mockingbird behavior early one morning at Isaac Creek. I looked it up and the website described it as a mating dance if between a female and a male; a territorial display if between two males. I prefer to think what I saw was the former and not the latter.

  3. Mockingbirds are fascinating. Today one outside our window was hopping around while opening and spreading its wings, then closing them and reopening them. I did not see any other bird around. Wildlife is so fascinating. I will need to remember to get the video going on it next time

  4. Any word through the blogs what’s happened with RVSue’s blog? When you go to view it through an email you are sent to a WordPress message saying her account has been suspended. OH NO….we love RVSUE!

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